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Clearing Clutter

What is clutter?

  • Things that you do not use or love.
  • Things which are untidy or disorganised
  • Too many things for a small space
  • Unfinished things.
  1. When you keep things you do not use or love in your home, energy stagnates. When you have things in your home which you love and use, energy circulates and the environment is supportive and nurturing.
  2. A home that is too tidy is sterile and a home that is disorganised is chaotic.
  3. Too many things in a small space constrict the energy.
  4. Unfinished things clutter your psyche and can affect sleep and dreams. Unfinished things also hold you back in life.

Having too much clutter effects your health and well-being making you feel tired and lethargic. Energetic strands join us to the things we have in our homes. If these things have a negative quality to them, we will absorb that energy. For example, if you really hate the vase aunt Jenny gave you, it will cause the energy in your home to slow down and become heavier. Give the vase away- someone else will love it!

Clutter is also confusing. If you can't find what you want easily, this causes stress. People also treat you and your home differently is you have clutter. You are giving them the message that you don't care about yourself or your home and they will treat you accordingly. Remember the universe delivers what we put out on the grapevine!

Clutter also creates excess baggage and encourages us to procrastinate. It can have the mental effect of depressing us and of physically slowing us down.

So how do you clear clutter?

  • Give away any clothes that do not fit you or that you haven't worn for 6 months.
  • Take a room-by-room inventory, including the cupboards and attic space, and decide what you like and what you don't like there. If you don't like it, give it away. If it needs mending, fix it now!
  • Only buy what you really need but like what you buy.
  • Recycle things - one thing in and one thing out.
  • Organise your cupboards and rooms so you can find everything you need.
  • Once you've grown tired of something, give it away for someone else to use.
  • Give away impulse buys that you don't like. Don't give yourself a hard time about it; it creates negative energy!
  • Travel light in life and feel the difference it makes.

Reading :- Clear your clutter with Feng Shui by Karen Kingston.

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