Listed below are some books on various subjects for your interest. There are many more available in bookshops and on the internet.
Indian Head massage and massage:
- *Indian Head Massage by Helen McGuinness, (ISBN 0-340-81473-X)(recommended text)
- Indian Head Massage by Narendra Mehta
- Head Massage by Eileen Bentley
- *Body massage for holistic therapists by Francesca Gould (recommended text)
Hopi Ear Candle Therapy (both recommended texts)
- *Hopi ear candling by Jill Hamilton
- *Ear candling in essence by Mary Dalgleish and Lesley Hart.
Energy healing systems
- *The healing touch – William Lee Rand. (* Recommended text for Reiki.)
- *Reiki – Penelope Quest
- *The basics of Reiki- a step by step guide by Penelope Quest
- Sacred flames Reiki by Alison Dhlans.
- Reiki & spiritual growth by John F. Christian.
- The spirit of Reiki by Walter Lubeck, William Lee Rand & Frank Arjava Petter.
- Inner Reiki by Tanmya Honervogt
- The book on Karuna Reiki by Laurelle Shanti Gaia.
- All love by Diana Shewmaker. (Reiki, Seichem, Sekhem® & SKHM)
- Spiritual healing by Daniel J. Benor
Spirit Guides and Angels.
- A little light on angels – Diana Cooper.
- Angel Inspiration – Diana Cooper.
- How to meet and work with spirit guides – Ted Andrews.
- Angel Magic – Margaret Neylon.
- Healing with the angels – Doreen Virtue.
- Archangels & Ascended masters-Doreen Virtue.
Colour and Crystals.
- Crystals and crystal healing – Simon Lily
- Discover crystals- Ursula Markham
- Colour your life – Howard & Dorothy Sun
- Crystal awareness- Catherine Bowman
- Healing with crystals and gemstones – Dolya Sarai Chocron
- The Crystal Bible- Judy Hall
- The book of stones by Richard Simmons and Naisha Ahsian
- New Chakra Healing – Cyndi Dale.
- Balancing your chakras – Sonia Choquette.
- Kundalini & the chakras – Genevieve Lewis Paulson.
Psychic Protection.
- Psychic protection – William Bloom.
- Principles of psychic protection – Judy Hall.
- Psychic self-defence by Dion Fortune.
- Psychic vampires by Joe H. Slate.
Self Confidence & self-esteem.
- Feel the fear and do it anyway – Susan Jeffers.
- Self Esteem – Gail Lindenfield.
- You can heal your life – Louise Hay.
- The 10 minute life coach – Fiona Harrold.
Health & Healing.
- Why people don’t heal and how they can – Caroline Myss.
- The Creation of Health- Caroline Myss.
- Sacred Contracts- Caroline Myss.
- Constant craving- Doreen Virtue. (food related issues)
- Loosing pounds of pain – Doreen Virtue. (food related issues)
- Fat is a feminist issue- Susie Orbach.
- Body Confidence- Judith Ashfield. (On liking yourself as you are)
- Ayurveda for health and well-being- Sally Morningstar.
- Winning after loosing: keeping off the weight you’ve lost - Stacey Halprin.
General Healing
- Your Dark side – Vivianne & Christopher Crowley (working with your shadow self)
- Intimacy & Solitude – Stephanie Dowrick.
- Homecoming – reclaiming & championing your inner child- John Bradshaw.
- Healing the shame that binds us – John Bradshaw.
- Codependent no more – Melody Beattie.
- Women who run with the wolves – Clarissa Pinkola Estes. (a must read for all women!)
- My mother, my self – Nancy Friday.
- The Cinderella Complex- Collette Dowling. (for those who seek perfection)
- Who moved my cheese? -Dr Spencer Johnson. (a little book on change)
- Transitions - William Bridges. (making sense of life’s changes)
- Habit busting - Pete Cohen.
- Awakening your Goddess- Liz Simpson.
- The Tibetan art of Living- Christopher Hansard.
- The Cosmic ordering service by Barbel Mohr.
- Don’t sweat the small stuff about money by Richard Carlson.
- Beyond Fear-the teachings of Don Miguel Ruiz on freedom and joy as recorded by Mary Carroll Nelson.
- Auras and how to read them – Sarah Bartlett.
- Auras- what they are and how to read them – Joseph Ostrom.
Past Lives.
- Many lives, many masters. – Dr Brian Weiss.
- Only love is real- Dr Brian Weiss.
- Same soul, many bodies- Dr Brian Weiss.
- Past lives, future healing – Sylvia Browne.
- Life before life by Dr J. Tucker.
- Conversations with god – Neale Donald Walsh (Books 1, 2 & 3)
- The New Revelations- Neale Donald Walsh
- The Art of happiness at work – Dalhai Lama
- A little light on spiritual laws – Diana Cooper.
- A little light on Ascension- Diana Cooper.
- Stillness speaks by Eckhart Tolle.
- The power of now by Eckhart Tolle.
- The new earth by Eckhart Tolle.
- The Alchemist- Paulo Coelho.
- Veronica decides to die- Paulo Coelho.
- The Pilgrim- Paulo Coello.
- Tao Te Ching by Lao-Tzu.
Shamanism , Wicca, ancient and earth wisdom.
- The Way of the Shaman – Michael Harner.
- Principles of Native American Spirituality. – Dennis Renault and Timothy Freke.
- Wicca – Vivianne Crowley.
- The Way of Egyptian Wisdom- Naomi Ozaniec.
- The Mayan prophesies by Adrian Gilbert & Maurice Cotterell.
- The last hours of ancient sunlight by Thom Hartmann.
Advanced books.
- Return of serpent wisdom by Mark Pinkham.
- Arcturus probe: Tales and reports of ongoing investigations by J. Arguelles.
- The Hathor Material by Tom Kenyon and Virginia Essene.
- We, the Arcturians by Dr Norma J. Milanovich.
- Connecting with the Arcturians by David K. Miller.
- Matrix of creation- technology of the gods by Richard Heath.
- Earth: Pleiadian keys to the living library by Barbara Marciniak.
- The Family of Light: Pleiadian tales and lessons in living by Barbara Marciniak.
- The Mayan Factor by Jose Arguelles.
- Surfers of the Zuvuya by Jose Arguelles.
- The Shining Ones by Philip Gardiner.
- Ask and it is given by Esther and Jerry Hicks.
- The astonishing power of emotions by Esther and Jerry Hicks.
- Money and the law of attraction by Esther and Jerry Hicks.
- Pleiadian workbook by Amorah Quan Yin.
- The Only Planet of Choice by Phyllis V. Schlemmer.
- The Shift (an Elias book) By David Tate.
- Handbook of natural therapies – Marcia Stark.
- Dreamwork – Maggie Peters.
- Flower essences – Carol Rudd.
- The complete book of spells by Cassandra Eason.
- Modern book of dream interpretation by Cassandra Eason.
- Eczema- the treatment and theapiues that rteally work by Carolyn Charman and Sandra Lawton.
Travel books with a spiritual base.
- Red dust by Mia Jian.
- Cinnamon City by Miranda Innes.
- Lost lands, forgotten stories by Alexandra Pratt.
- The good life, up the Yukon without a paddle by Dorian Amos.
- Yoga School drop out by Lucy Edge.
- Holy Cow- an Indian adventure by Sarah MacDonald.
- Monsoon rains and icicle drops by Libby Southwell.
- A fortune teller told me by Tiziano Terzani.
- Indian Summer by Will Randall.
- Mantras and Misdemeanours by Vanessa Walker.
- Call of the wild by Guy Grieve.
- Jupiter’s travels by Ted Simon.
- Champagne and polar bears by Marie Tieche.
Useful Websites. healing course holistic healers association) (Australian bush flower essences) (Books) (Books, CD’s, DVD’s) (crystal bowls & massage rods. Protector oil.) (Courses & crystals) (Courses) (Reiki) (Angels) (Wiccan & Shamanic courses) (Buddhist retreat centre Dumfriesshire) (Buddhist retreat centre Yorkshire) (Yoga retreat centre in Goa) (Spanish holiday retreats) (Archangel Michael’s soul therapy centre, Glastonbury) (Shamanism in Peru) (Acturian & Pleiadian workshops, 2012, meditation, advanced book online) (Wiccan supplies) (2012 information) (song of creation and book of light e-book) (organic skin care products) (organic and skin care products) (crystals and jewellery) (rare & unusual crystals) (therapies onsite & in your home) (cards, posters, & Mandela of the Arcturians) (Information on Sirius, star seed readings and workshops) (soaps, bath products and creams from sustainable sources) (craft classes) (Hopi Indian information, prophecies and 2012) (Hopi ear candles and ash cups) (all things angelic incl. healing) (teachings of Abraham on the law of attraction) (essential oils)